Charlotte Primeau

Biological Anthropologist
Medical Researcher

Charlotte Primeau

Biological Anthropologist
Medical Researcher

Asylum seekers: why UK needs to change how it assesses the age of new arrivals

Here I discuss the announcement by the Home Office on setting up a committee to advise on the use of scientific methods for age assessment of asylum seekers in the UK
Link to The Conversation, January (2022)

Aging archeological subadults from femur length – which method is advisable?

This paper discuss how different methods perform when trying to age archeological skeletons of children.
Link to The Society for Archaeological Sciences (SAS) Bulletin (2017)

En hidtil ukendt krypt under Mørke Kirke (in Danish)

A description of the emptying of a previously unknown crypt under a country church. Two child coffins and other artefacts had a closer examination by the museum.
Link to Nationalmuseets Arbejdsmark (2015)

Kranier på afveje (in Danish)

This is a description of the evaluation of the a skull supposedly from the Norwegian King Sigurd the Crusader (1103-1130 CE), kept as a relic at the Norwegian King’s kunstkammer since 1736.
Link to Nationalmuseets Arbejdsmark (2015)

Middelalderens skeletter fra Ødekirkegården i Randers (in Danish).

This book chapter describes the historic population of the medieval town from Randers in Denmark, as examined through the skeletal remains.
Link to books from Museum ØstJylland Randers (2014)

Skeletal pathological disturbances during childhood years in the Danish medieval period

This short paper discuss how a permanent record of biological crisis relating to the childhood years are evident on adult skeletons.
Link to the Show us your Research! (2014)

Bjergby and the world around it: A place of execution in Denmark.

This book chapter describes a gallows mound in Denmark and the skeletal remains buried there, dating to 17th and 18th century.
Link to book Richstättenarchäologie 3 (2012)